Today I am thankful for being able to act "as if" ...
I remember learning that if we "act as if" we already have something we want, "act as if" something is already occurring in our lives (even if it's not), or "act as if" we know how to do something (even if we don't) -- we create the conditions for it to manifest in our life with greater easy and probability.
"Acting as if" is about believing in things that don't currently exist and that there may not be much evidence for. This is about living a "faith-based" life, not an "evidence-based life." The term "faith-based" often gets used in a political, social, or moral context when talking about initiatives or organizations that are connected with the church or some specific organized religion. However, being a faith-based person, while it can and often does encompass our religious beliefs and our spiritual practices, is even broader than this.
When we choose to live with a strong faith in things not seen, not proven, and not guaranteed - we tap into the power of the possible and we supersede the literal and predicable.
Wayne Dyer wrote a great book a number of years ago called You'll See it When You Believe it. So many of us, myself included, live important aspect of our lives with the silent mantra of "I'll believe it when I see it" and in doing so we hold ourselves back, limit what's possible, and negate the power of our mind, imagination, and intention to allow and create things, situations, experiences, and outcomes that are new, unpredictable, and even miraculous.
We often get exactly what we expect - which is a pretty powerful concept if we take time to let it in and live with that awareness. Instead of waiting to see how things turn out, hoping that they will get better, or simply allowing the circumstances and situations in our lives determine how we feel - what if we acted as if we had everything within us and around us that we need to be successful, happy, and fulfilled already - which we do, by the way!
Day #22Today I am thankful for timing ...
God has a perfect timing for everything. Learn to wait on Him. This brings Him honor, and it brings you peace. (see Psalm 27:14)