Cat and Katrina break everything down for you in easy, chronological steps. They take you through the thought process of whether you want to blog for pleasure, for money or for both. What's even better, they set you up for success and give you the tools to set your blog up to make money even if you aren't sure if you want to make money with your blog to start with. That way, you can always go back and make money with it later if you so choose.
Topics in the e-book include:
Why Do You Want To Blog?
How Much Does Starting A Blog Cost?
Blogging Platforms
Names/Intro To Branding
Social Media
This ebook has encouraged me to revamp my blog and get it started again. I had forgotten why I started blogging in the first place until I read their book. The encouragement and straight-forward information makes the book easy to understand and you don't feel overwhelmed after reading it. It's not "too" much information. I look forward to reading their next book!
You can purchase your copy of How To Start A Mom Blog here:
How To Start A Mom Blog
** DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links. Even though I may receive compensation for my posts or advertisements, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.**