Friday, April 29, 2011

It's The Little Things ..

I haven't written in quite some time, and I have a MILLION other things I need to be doing right now ... filling orders, laundry, MT coursework ... And as my head is STILL pounding over a week after my migraine began, I can STILL find joy in the little things ....

As a stay-at-home mom, I am blessed as well as cursed.  It is a complete joy & blessing to be able to stay home with my children & watch them grow & be there for them ... But it can also be frustrating, annoying & sometimes even depressing ... Today, however, the joy of it completely overwhelmed me ...

I love to hear the giggles down the hall as Maddi & Dylan play games ... I listen to the words they say & laugh to myself sometimes at the things their sweet little minds imagine ... After I put the kids to bed tonight, Dylan came toddling down the hall about 30 minutes later & cried, "Hold me, Mamma!"  My first instinct was to tell him to go back to bed, but instead, I picked him up & in literally seconds he was asleep.  I held him for about another 30 minutes & just pondered how blessed I am.  I have BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY, HAPPY children.  Dylan told me probably 10 times today that he, "loved me this much in the world."  I can't even tell you how it melts my heart to hear that.  I could be absolutely livid & if that kid came up to me & said that, the anger would just fade away ...

Maddi starts Kindergarten in August ( I absolutely CANNOT believe this !!) & she is SO stinkin' smart !!  She's ready to go.  She asked me if she was going to Kindergarten in five days yesterday.  LOL  I said, "NO !! It's months & months away !!"  More to appease myself than to answer her question.  She will be fine.  I will be a blubbering mess .....

And my oldest is going to COLLEGE this fall ... I am getting old ... My babies are growing up way too fast, and it seems like just yesterday that Brandon was Dylan's age.  I mix their names up all the time (a Young trait).  When all 5 of my children are in the same house, it is total chaos.  But I LOVE it !! Nothing makes me happier than to have all of my family in the same place, at the same time.  The times that that happens are few & far between.

But I just needed to take a minute, a break, whatever you want to call it and tell my children how much they mean to me.  Time just goes so fast & before you know it, it's over.  No matter how old they get, no matter how far away from me they go, I will always see them as my babies !!  I love you, Brandon, Nicole, Shaelyn, Madalyn & Dylan & you will ALWAYS be my babies, no matter how old you get !!!!!

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